Eterea Collection

The EtΓ©rea Collection was inspired by the light breeze, flowing through an ethereal landscape.

Let’s make your paper dreams come true.

Photography @etceteraphoto | Creative Direction, Styling, Florals @jovialfloralco | Venue @thestonehurst | HMU @beautybespoken | Stationery @saltpaperco | Cake @cremeanddough | Bridal Gown and Veil @lasoiebridal | Bridal Shoes @bellabelleshoes | Bridal Earrings @jovialfloralco | Groom's Outfit @friartux | Tabletop Rentals @greystonetable | Furniture + linen Rentals @lapinataparty | Arch Rental @floralproprentals | Cake table + stand Rentals @paverentals | Models @kelliecage @mackey_smith